

(Episode 1-2)
The story begins in the God's High Temple, when Gokou is training with Uubuu. Gokou has been training him none stop for the last 10 years ever since they first met during the last Budoukai which it took place just before dragon ball z ended. For some reason, Pilaf from DragonBall, with his two guards Shuu and Mei standing beside him, are also there. However, what suprises Gokou and Uubuu is that Pilaf has summoned the Ultimate Shenlong from the Ultimate DragonBalls! Pilaf found the Ultimate DragonBalls hidden in the God's High Temple, those DragonBall were created by poclolo  before he split into  kami same and Piccolo Devil. Pilaf is about to grant his wish, but sees Gokou and quickly fired two missiles at him. Gokou takes down the two missiles with easy and Pilaf becomes very frustrated, and wishes that only if Gokou was small so he could beat him with ease. Shenlong takes the wish and grants it for Pilaf, and Gokou is turned into a kid.

Gokou isn't too worried about being turned into a kid because he doesn't lose his power, but he does lose his special ability such as teleportation. However there is other thing they didn't know about the Ultimate DragonBalls. The truth is that, once the Ultimate Shenlong is summoned, the seven DragonBalls will be seperated all over the universe. If the seven Ultimate DragonBalls are not retrieved back within a year time, the planet where the Ultimated Shenlong is summoned will explode, which in this case, it's Earth. Gokou acts quickly, and Vegeta assigns trunks and goten to be Gokou's partners. However Goten is talking to his girlfriend and cannot be bothered to go, in the meantime, Pan just sneaks into the Spaceship. This leaves Gokou, Trunks and Pan together and their long journey into the universe begins.

This is the order of the planets Gokou, Trunks and Pan has travelled to. It's a little brief because I don't want to spoil the story completely :)

1st - Planet Imega (Episode 3-5)
Their spacecraft is damaged and they start to look for help. Everything seems to be going the wrong way when a robot named Gyle took away their DragonBall radar, then they find themselves in trouble with Don Kia, the ruler of the planet. Kia wants them arrested hence Gokou, Pan and Trunks are turned into criminals. They did not find any DragonBalls at this Planet, but they keep Gyle with them.

2nd - Planet Mammonth (Episode 6)
A land full of giants, not just the people here are huge, but the plants are huge too. Gokou quickly finds where the DragonBall is, but then they are confronted with a giant troll. The troll picks up an apple and starts eating it. However, Gokou realises that the DragonBall is in the apple, but they aren't quick enough to get the DragonBall back. Later the troll starts to complain about a tooth ache and Gokou finds the DragonBall stuck in the troll's rottened tooth. Gokou uses kamehameha and knocks the bad tooth out, hence retrieves the 6-star DragonBall.

3rd - Planet Kelubo (Episode 7-8)
A young girl found the DragonBall, but she has to give it up to the God (not really a God, but a huge monster) as a ritual item. The God is named Zunama and has the ability to create earthquakes with its whiskers. Pan asks her if they can have the DragonBall and in return they will get rid of the monster for them. She agrees. Trunks is then dressed as teh girl and awaits for the monster to appear, and he gives the monster a good beating. Unfortunately, a mysterious thief jumps out of nowhere and takes the DragonBall away.

4th - Planet Beehe (Episode 9-10)
Following the thief, he leads Gokou and the gang to a planet full of giant worms. One of the giant worms named Paras casts a spell on them which makes them dance. While Gokou and his gang are dancing, the thief flees to steal the other DragonBalls. Then the thief flees to Planet Rudoll.

5th - Planet Rudoll (Episode 11-14)
Rudoll is a planet full of androids. A high priest of Planet Rudoll appears and turns Pan into a doll. Gokou and Trunks realise that the priest is only an android which is controlled by a huge fat android called Mochi. Gokou and Trunks have a long fight with Mochi then they finally meet the person who creates all the androids, Dr Myuu. They got the 4-star DragonBall as well.

6th - Plante Rudiza (Episode 15)
A planet full of deserts. Really hot and full of sand, not much vegetation and water. The spaceship is also damaged hence Gokou and Trunks start to fix it. Pan is just doing nothing and playing around, which really annoys Gokou and Trunks so they start to argue and complain. Pan is furious and decides to leave them. Pan wondered off and loses her direction, runs out of energy and collapses. Luckily, it is Gyle that finds her, and also manages to find the 5-star DragonBall.

7th - Planet M2 (Episode 16-22)
Planet M2 is where Dr Myuu generates his army of androids. Gyle fools Gokou to land on this planet so they can be captured. After a long and hard battle against the Androids, just before Gokou has the DragonBall, General Rude takes the DragonBall away. Gokou chases after him and another long battle begins. In the meantime which Gokou is battling with the androids, Babi is being developed by Dr Myuu. Unfortunately, Gokou and the gangs are captured, but then it is Gyle who saves them. It turns out that Gyle isn't a traitor after all. The whole thing is actually a plan designed by Gyle so Gyle can study Dr Myuu's weaknesses. When Gokou finds out where Dr Myuu is, Babi has finished developing. Babi awakens and kills Dr Myuu. Gokou quickly blows up Dr Myuu's spaceship to make sure Babi doesn't get away.

8th - Planet Pitalu (Episode 23-24)
Gokou, Trunks and Pan finds the 1-star DragonBall on a deserted spacecraft, and discovers a small, weak boy is in it. They take the small boy to a medical planet called Planet Pitalu. What Gokou doesn't know is that, Babi is actually hidden inside the boy's body. Babi has the ability to take over another person's body by entering through the person's wound. While Babi is still inside the small boy's body, Babi takes his chance and moves into Trunk's body and trys to take control of Trunks. Luckily Babi is only in his earliest form and hasn't got much strengh, Trunks uses his strong ki and forces Babi out. Just before he kills Babi, Babi flees.

9th - Planet Tiger (Episode 25)
After being away from home for 9 months now, they find themselves in a planet full of giant tigers. They find the 7-star DragonBall inside a large tiger's stomach.

10th - Planet Dino (Episode 26)
They find the 3-star DragonBall inside a dinosaure's stomach.

11th - Planet Cold (Episode 27)
A ice cold planet. They find the 2-star DragonBall within the snow. Now all 7 DragonBalls are together and happily heads back to Earth.

(Episode 28-30)
However back at Earth, they finds that Babi is already there and controlling people. Trunks, Goten, gohan, chichi, bulma and the rest of the Z team are under Babi's control. As long as Babi plants seeds inside a person's body, then Babi can have complete control over that person. Nightmare comes true when Babi also takes control over Vegeta, and transforms himself into Babi Vegeta. Gokou finds himself in big trouble and Gokou is killed by Babi Vegeta.

(Episode 30-31)
Gokou is taken to another world where Gokou must play a game with Suguro and Gokou must win. Later Gokou finds out that Suguro is cheating then the world starts to fall apart. Kaiobito saves Gokou and takes Gokou back to Dai Kaioshin.

(Episode 31-32)
Great Kaio learns about Earth in danger and the power of Babi, and forces Gokou to take special traning. However, they later finds out Pan is also in danger and Gokou is running out of time, so instead of wasting time training, Kaiobito decides to use a tweezer to pull out Gokou's tail, hence bringing back Gokou's natural Saiya-Jin power.

In the meantime, Babi uses Ultimate DragonBalls again and created a planet which looks like his old planet next to Earth. Babi's plan is to transport all the people in Earth to his new planet so Babi can absort their energy. Later, Pan falls into trouble and Uubuu comes out and saves Pan. Uubuu then takes over and an intense battle takes place between Uubuu and Babi.

(Episode 33-39)
Just before Uubuu dies, Gokou comes back, with his tail grown back. However, after intense training with the Kaios, Gokou still isn't enough to fight Babi. However, because of Gokou's tail, and with the Gold Ozura effect, Gokou is turned into a huge ape. If you still remember from DragonBall Z, when a Saiya-Jin is in Ozura mode, they lose control and go berserk. However, Pan calms Ozura Gokou down and once Gokou has his conscience back, Gokou is transformed into SSJ4

Babi knows himself doesn't have a chance fighting SSJ 4 Gokou, seeks Bulma for help (Bulma is also under Babi's control). Bulma creates a Brute Ray which enables Babi Vegeta's tail to grow back, hence transforming Babi into a huge ape as well. While Gokou is battling, Kaiobito has developed this special potion which can kill the Babi's seeds planted inside the person's body. Kaiobito uses the potion and saves Trunks and the rest of the Z team members. With Trunks, Goten, Gohan and Pan back, the Z team is now in full force. They manage to cut off Babi Ape's tail and Babi is back to his Babi Vegeta form. Babi Vegeta now realises that he doesn't stand a chance fightint them so he decides to flee. Babi gets out of Vegeta's body and goes back into his spaceship. Gokou fires one last Kamehameha and blows up Babi and his spaceship.

(Episode 40-41)
Gokou and the gang travel back back to Earth, but they learn that Babi used the Ultimate DragonBall before, and it's now too late to retrieve them back. Now the Earth is bound to explode. Gokou and Kaiobito use teleportation to save the rest of the people on Earth by moving them to the planet Babi created. After Earth has exploded, Gokou uses the DragonBalls at Planet Namek to bring Earth back again. After eveyrthing is back to normal, Tenkaichi Budoukai is taken place. Satan is the eventually winner at the end when Uubuu loses on purpose.